Pool Inspection & Report
Pool inspection: $260.00
Leakalyzer Water Loss Sensor
Using advanced technology to detect the tiniest water loss to 10000th of an inch accuracy. We will know if the pool has a leak or if it's evaporation..
Equipment & Vessel Condition
Component Inspection: This identifies each part of the pool (skimmers, return fittings, lights, etc.) that will be inspected Results for each section of the pool are recorded in a "QuickView Table" that provides a concise overview of the state of the pool.
Pool Data Collection
Know If Your Pool/Spa is Water Tight With No Leaks Equipment Inspection, Vinyl Liner Condition, Water Chemistry, Pool data is collected and submitted into an easy to read and logically organized PDF job report. The report is a comprehensive record of the status of the pool.
Final PDF Pool Report
Conclusion: A PDF report record of final observations and recommendations for repair, a diagram of the problems found, and a final Leakalyzer test graph to show water loss test results.